Friday, October 14, 2011

Not Just A Plain White Tee Shirt Anymore!

Not just an undergarment anymore, the tee shirt has been re-invented over and over and it's still going strong. But nobody really talks about it!
According to the highly resourceful and mostly accurate Wikipedia, the T-shirt evolved from undergarments used in the 19th century, through cutting the one-piece union suit underwear into separate top and bottom garments, with the top long enough to tuck under the waistband of the bottoms.

With the addition of screen printing - and eventually digital art - this little piece of cotton fabric has become the quickest and easiest way to express an individual's point of view.

The printed tee shirt business is a multi-billion dollar business world wide - which is enough to motivate anyone to jump on that band wagon - and has been an essential part of marketing campaigns world wide since the 1980's when the "Frankie Says Relax" tee shirt first exploded into the market and forever changed its function. 

What I find most fascinating and interesting is how a tee shirt can be worn in various ways to evoke a mood, a point of view, a sense of style and its versatility is rarely focused on. 

Every season we read about the latest trends in slacks, shirt collar, sport coat lapel width, suit body shape on and on, but how often do we read about the all dependable, always in fashion tee shirt?
Not so often. Actually not often at all.
So who is writing about the tee shirt? 
I am!
Why am I writing about the tee shirt? 
Because I can, because I wear them, because a clever tee shirt ALWAYS gets my attention. Because I thought I'd share it with you and maybe - if you haven't yet - it will spark a new interest in you.
Get out there, buy a tee shirt that suits your point of view and wear it for all to see.

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